Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Carnivores and meatscapes

So anyone with half a brain knows the health and ethical implications of having a diet that has a high meat content.  I wanted to do my body and the planet a favour by becoming vegetarian but at this point in time couldn't stand the thought of never eating meat again, ESPECIALLY seafood.  When I came across this video by Graham Hill on TED i was pretty damn excited about the idea of becoming a weekday vegetarian, check it out its pretty awesome.

Another thing that freaks me out is the idea of this "meat glue" stuff that current affairs shows have been raving on about of late. And i know these shows lack a lot of creditability so i briefly looked into it myself. Pretty much "meat glue" or "transgluyaminase" is a natural occurring protein that is made into a powder, its used to glue scrap pieces of meat (beef, lamb, chicken, fish, pork - so pretty much everything) together where they then roll it all up in cling wrap, let it set for 20 minutes, cut it up into say, a rib-eye sized shape, and sell it off as premium cuts.  It has no taste or smell and you can't tell its there once this whole process is over, and apparently its used all the time in Australia purely for greedy butchers, and i'm sure big companies like Coles and Woolworths, to rip everyone off.  And they dont tell you its there.  So lots of people say that this stuff has no negative effects on the human body but I wanna know why it's banned in the EU!!!  You wouldn't wanna sniff any of this powder either or you'll end up with severe respiratory problems.  So next time your sitting down to enjoy a rib-eye steak picture a masked butcher sprinkling what looks like talcum powder over scraps of meat, sticking it all together and creating what you think is the natural occurring piece of meat your about to eat - definitely doesnt sit well with me

 Photos: Nicolas Lampert -

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